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scalarProjection(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Gives the scalar projection of the first vector onto the second vector.
scale(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Scales the current vector by performing a scalar multiplication on it.
scaleByVector(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Scales each of the current vector's components using scalar multiplication by their respective component in the factor vector.
scene - Variable in class raymarcher.Camera
The scene which the camera should render
Scene - Class in raymarcher
The scene which the camera will render
Scene() - Constructor for class raymarcher.Scene
Creates a default, empty scene with a world color of sky blue
Screen - Class in raymarcher
Creates a Screen object, or window, to host the Raymarcher engine and to render onto.
Screen(int, int, Camera, double) - Constructor for class raymarcher.Screen
Creates a Screen window and sets up the rendering for the camera and scene
screenDistance - Variable in class raymarcher.Camera
The distance, in the direction the camera faces, from the camera to the screen where the image is projected upon (similar to focal length)
sdf(Vector3) - Method in interface raymarcher.Mesh
The signed distance function for the mesh, which tells the mesh's distance to a point in 3D space
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Box
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Sphere
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.MeshGroup.IntersectionGroup
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.MeshGroup
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.MeshGroup.SubtractGroup
sdf(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.MeshGroup.UnionGroup
setDirection(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setDirection(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Ray
setEpsilon(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Ray
setFrameRate(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Screen
setHeight(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
setLength(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Box
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Sphere
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
setMeshColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.MeshGroup
setMeshes(ArrayList<Mesh>) - Method in class raymarcher.Scene
setMovementSpeed(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setPixelDistance(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
Set the distance between each pixel in the camera.
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Box
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Sphere
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Ray
setRadius(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
setRadius(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Sphere
setRadius(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
setRenderDistance(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Ray
setRotationSpeed(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setScene(Scene) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setScreenDistance(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setSize(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Box
setSize(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
setThickness(double) - Method in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
setUpDirection(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Camera
setWorldColor(int) - Method in class raymarcher.Scene
setWorldColor(Color) - Method in class raymarcher.Scene
setX(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Gives the current x-coordinate of the vector
setY(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Gives the current y-coordinate of the vector
setZ(double) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Gives the current z-coordinate of the vector
size - Variable in class raymarcher.meshes.Box
A vector representing the box's dimensions
size - Variable in class raymarcher.meshes.RoundedBox
A vector representing the box's dimensions
Sphere - Class in raymarcher.meshes
An implementation of the Mesh interface that renders a sphere
Sphere(Vector3, double, Color) - Constructor for class raymarcher.meshes.Sphere
Create a sphere mesh
start() - Method in class raymarcher.Screen
Start the thread and the engine
stop() - Method in class raymarcher.Screen
Stop the thread and the engine
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Gives the resultant vector of subtracting two vectors
SUBTRACT - Static variable in class raymarcher.MeshGroup
The value for a boolean subtraction operation
SubtractGroup(Mesh, Mesh, Color) - Constructor for class raymarcher.MeshGroup.SubtractGroup
Creates a subtraction between two meshes
subtractInPlace(Vector3) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Translates the current vector by subtracting a given vector from it.
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