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thickness - Variable in class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
The thickness of the torus
thread - Variable in class raymarcher.Screen
The thread on which this engine will be executed
tiltDown - Variable in class raymarcher.Camera
Indicates whether or not the camera is to rotate or tilt in that direction
tiltUp - Variable in class raymarcher.Camera
Indicates whether or not the camera is to rotate or tilt in that direction
Torus - Class in raymarcher.meshes
An implementation of the Mesh interface that renders a torus
Torus(Vector3, double, double, Color) - Constructor for class raymarcher.meshes.Torus
Create a torus mesh
toString() - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class raymarcher.Vector3
Translates the current vector by the given values (Changes the current vector)
TriangularPrism - Class in raymarcher.meshes
An implementation of the Mesh interface that renders an equilateral triangular prism
TriangularPrism(Vector3, double, double, Color) - Constructor for class raymarcher.meshes.TriangularPrism
Create a triangular prism mesh
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