Class Torus

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Torus
extends java.lang.Object
implements Mesh
An implementation of the Mesh interface that renders a torus
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private java.awt.Color meshColor
    The color of the mesh
    private Vector3 position
    The position of the mesh's center
    private double radius
    The size of the outer radius of the torus
    private double thickness
    The thickness of the torus
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Torus​(Vector3 position, double radius, double thickness, java.awt.Color meshColor)
    Create a torus mesh
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.awt.Color getMeshColor()
    Gives the mesh's color
    Vector3 getPosition()  
    double getRadius()  
    double getThickness()  
    double sdf​(Vector3 position)
    The signed distance function for the mesh, which tells the mesh's distance to a point in 3D space
    void setMeshColor​(java.awt.Color meshColor)  
    void setPosition​(Vector3 position)  
    void setRadius​(double radius)  
    void setThickness​(double thickness)  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • position

      private Vector3 position
      The position of the mesh's center
    • radius

      private double radius
      The size of the outer radius of the torus
    • thickness

      private double thickness
      The thickness of the torus
    • meshColor

      private java.awt.Color meshColor
      The color of the mesh
  • Constructor Details

    • Torus

      public Torus​(Vector3 position, double radius, double thickness, java.awt.Color meshColor)
      Create a torus mesh
      position - The position in 3D space to center the torus
      radius - The outer radius of the torus
      thickness - The thickness of the torus
      meshColor - The color of the torus
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      public Vector3 getPosition()
      the current position of the center of the torus
    • setPosition

      public void setPosition​(Vector3 position)
      position - the new center of the torus
    • getRadius

      public double getRadius()
      the torus' current outer radius
    • setRadius

      public void setRadius​(double radius)
      radius - the new outer radius for the torus
    • getThickness

      public double getThickness()
      the torus' current thickness
    • setThickness

      public void setThickness​(double thickness)
      thickness - the new thickness for the torus
    • setMeshColor

      public void setMeshColor​(java.awt.Color meshColor)
      meshColor - The new color to set the mesh to
    • getMeshColor

      public java.awt.Color getMeshColor()
      Description copied from interface: Mesh
      Gives the mesh's color
      Specified by:
      getMeshColor in interface Mesh
      The color of the mesh
    • sdf

      public double sdf​(Vector3 position)
      Description copied from interface: Mesh
      The signed distance function for the mesh, which tells the mesh's distance to a point in 3D space
      Specified by:
      sdf in interface Mesh
      position - The vector representation of the position of the point to measure the distance to
      The signed distance of the mesh to the point. Values > 0 indicate the point is outside the mesh, values = 0 are points on the surface, and values < 0 are points inside the mesh.